Petr Kolečko - Tomáš Svoboda - Petr Wajsar
4 m, 3 ž
Pornoherci Maruška a Marek, režisér Jan, producent, který býval farářem a zvukař Dušan, tvůrci pornofilmů, jsou obyčejní hrdinové s komplikovanými vztahy a barvitými osudy. K pornu je přivedly nešťastné okolnosti. Marušku zanechala její rodina v kočárku na návsi, než byla nalezena babičkou, která ji vychovala. Když kvůli Marušce shoří kostel ve vesnici, do kterého babička chodí, rozhodne se pro velké pokání a obětuje se jako pornoherečka, aby zajistila babičce důstojný život. Farářovi shořel kostel s jeho modely letadel, které si lepil od té doby, kdy mu při letecké nehodě tragicky zemřeli rodiče. Přestože se ho celý život snažil následovat, jak to jen šlo, Bůh k němu nebyl milostivý, a tak se farář rozhodl, že vysaje ze života alespoň jeho světské bohatství a stal se pornoproducentem.
Režisér Jan si pokazil svoji kariéru u divadla svedením manželky uměleckého šéfa Národního divadla. Tento čin ho přivedl do oblastního divadla, kde trávil jeden bezútěšný den za druhým. Jeho život změnilo až zjištění, že s manželkou uměleckého šéfa ND zplodil nemanželskou dceru. Aby měl na nemalé alimenty, rozhodl se využít svůj talent jako pornorežisér.
O pornoherci Markovi se dozvídáme, že už ho od dětství sužuje nenávist k ženám, která vyvrcholila tím, že v kočárku odvezl nenáviděné matce právě narozenou sestru. V pornu se léčí ze své nenávisti vůči ženám tím, že se jich snaží co nejvíc pomilovat. Zvukaře Dušana porno zachránilo od týrání otce a nefunkční rodiny. Sledoval pornokazety, aby nemusel poslouchat jejich hádky, teď je zvučí.
Jsou Vánoce a pornohvězdy se mají setkat se svými démony. Co udělá se Zvukařem zjištění, že ho Maruška nemiluje? A co udělá s režisérem Janem zjištění, že pornoherečka Maruška je spolubydlící jeho dcery, na kterou platí alimenty a nikdy se neměla dozvědět, jak na ně vydělává? A co teprve Marek? Pod vánočním stromkem vyjde najevo, že celou dobu „pracuje“ se svou sestrou, kterou zanechal v kočárku. Pornoproducent bývalý farář zase zjistí, že celou tu dobu za něj vydělávají pornem peníze jeho dvě děti. Může ještě najít cestu k Bohu? Můžou oni všichni najít cestu k Bohu? Můžou, protože jsou Vánoce a dějí se zázraky. Můžou, protože nejsou o nic horší než my. Všichni jsme totiž pornohvězdy.
Netradiční a tematicky provokativní „antimuzikál“ byl uveden v pražském Roxy NOD 15.12. 2009.
J. Machalická: Vybalancovaná chůze po hraně,, 19.12.2009.
P. Smyczek: Pornohvězdy v Roxy,, 12.2.2010.
J.P.Kříž: Pornohvězdy nezabloudily, vědí kudy kam,, 17.12.2009.
Petr Kolečko - Tomáš Svoboda - Petr Wajsar
M 4, F 3
This original Czech musical with music by Petr Wajsar opened at Christmas 2009 at the theatre venue of NoD/ROXY in Prague.
Two porn actors, Maruška and Marek, Jan the director, a producer who used to be a priest, and a sound technician Dušan are working in porn movie industry, yet they are ordinary heroes with both complicated relationships and colourful life stories. They were all brought to porn industry by unhappy circumstances. Maruška was abandoned by her family in a pram on a village green, then found by an old lady who brought her up. When, through Maruška’s fault, the old lady’s village church burns down, the young woman decides to do penance by sacrificing herself as a porn actress to ensure a dignified life for the old lady. The priest strived all his life to follow the God’s word as much as possible, but the God was not merciful and let his church burn down. As a consequence, the priest decided to get the best out of life by getting stinking rich and became a producer of porn films. The director Jan ruined his theatre career by seducing the wife of the National Theatre’s artistic director; his life was then changed when he found out he spawned an illegitimate daughter with her. To be able to pay for the child’s considerable maintenance, he decided to use his talent as blue movies director. As for the porn actor Mark, he’s been tormented since his childhood by the hatred of women; this culminated when he took away his newly born sister from his hated mother in a pram, and now he is trying to heal his hatred by acting in porn. The industry saved the sound engineer Dušan from the abuse by his father: as a child he used to watch porn videos so that he would not hear his parents’ arguments, now he’s providing soundtracks for them.
It’s Christmas, and the porn stars are about to meet their demons. What will the Sound Engineer do when he finds out Maruška doesn’t love him? How will the director Jan deal with the fact Maruška is sharing the flat with his daughter whose alimony he pays yet who was never supposed to find out the way he makes his living? And what about Marek? Under the Christmas tree he finds out that he had “worked” all this time with his own sister, the same he had once abandoned in the pram. The porn-producing Priest finds out that his own children are making money for him by making blue movies. Will he be able to find the road to God again? Will the others? They will – it’s Christmas, miracles can happen and the characters are not worse than us; we are all porn stars.
Should there be theatre awards for the “Daftest Production of the Year”, one of the clear candidates – and probably clearly the leading one – would be the team Kolečko-Svoboda-Wajsar that since last December shows their musical Porn Stars at the Prague venue of NOD. (…)
…Petr Wajsr’s brilliant music combines almost all possible genres (from opera via disco to village rude folk songs) which is quite rare in today’s world of “one hit” musicals where the lead song is repeated over and over again. Each tune is catchy, and has an original musical idea. (…)
This freewheeling “porn show” aspires to become one of the main events of the theatrical season; its provoking subject is attractive and doesn’t let you down from the very beginning – on the contrary, it’s gripping. If you like musicals, this one should become a part of your collection. If you like original, crazy theatre that experiments and provokes the audience, you also should go and see it. And should you strictly reject the show because of its theme – go anyway: the team at Roxy will persuade you even pornography can be done with detachment and open to under eighteens.
Petr Smyczek: Pornohvězdy v Roxy,, 12.2.2010
Mixing aesthetics of porn industry with the form of musical and kitsch, one can get various results. In the case of Petr Kolečko, Tomáš Svoboda and their production of Porn Stars, it produced a fresh statement about the sometimes too crazy time we are living in. (...)
The monstrous ridiculousness of porn industry works here as a grid that makes everything seem much clearer. It’s not by chance both are linked through the desire of money as the authors a constantly playing with the following consideration: is physical prostitution worse than the spiritual one?
Jana Machalická: Muzikál Pornohvězdy: vybalancovaná chůze po hraně, Lidové noviny, 19.12.2009
With one decisive leap, the opening nights of Porn Stars last Tuesday and Wednesday far and wide surpassed much of what we could see at Czech theatres so far both in intentions and in the result. (...)
Provoking through slimy hollow porn eroticism, the story transforms into a reflexion of our lives since the 1960s. Its authors did not shrink away from self-ironic personal recapitulations. They brilliantly grasped the difference between the dreams about arts and the reality of the culture in the sewers of the marketplace.
Jiří P. Kříž: Pornohvězdy nezabloudily, vědí kudy kam, Právo, 17.12.2009
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